Friday, May 9, 2014

Objective Summary

        In chapters 2-4 of Dr. Sinku Kumar Singh's informatory sports medicine book Sports Injuries and Rehabilitation, Singh talks about how there are many different ways to prevent sports injuries, but two of the most effective ways are stretching overseen by a coach, and wearing a mouthguard. One of the responsibilities of a coach is not only teach his players how to become better players and men, but also to make sure they don't get injured. One of the ways they do this is always making sure the athletes stretch out before practice or games. Stretching is one of the most important ways to prevent injury. Another way athletes can avoid potential injury is by training in intervals. Athletes should have specific training schedules they follow. Perhaps one of the most important ways to prevent injuries, though, is by wearing a mouthguard. Mouthguards are required for almost all youth sports, and many professionals wear them too. Two of the many disadvantages of wearing a mouthguard are that they can not only drastically help prevent tooth injuries, but also lessen the severity of concussions. So to decrease injruy, stretch, be safe, get stronger, get more flexible, and rest between training sessions.

This and many other reasons are examples of why athletes of all levels should wear mouthguards

Monday, May 5, 2014

Should sports such as our beloved game of football be banned due to being unsafe?

Essential Question: Should rugby and football be banned due to injuries that occur while playing the sports?

         Reason: Many sports teach character and important life lessons to youth,

         Explanation of Reason: Many youth across the world grow up in poor neighborhoods and constantly have to deal with violence, drugs, drive by shootings, gangs, ect. Sports can help keep kids away from that and teach them many valuable life lessons such as how to never give up, how to respect your opponent and teammates, how to work hard, and many other lessons. Here is some examples of the life lessons that can be taught by sports. Sports such as football and rugby should not be banned because of the valuable life lessons they can teach not only youth but people of all ages.

A game that teaches so many valuable life lessons couldn't possibly be banned, right?

Monday, April 28, 2014

      Objective Summary
         In the first two chapters of the sports medicine book Sports Injuries and Rehabilitation by Dr. Sinku Kumar Singh, we learn how there are two different main types of injuries, but they can be treated, or possibly prevented, with good technique. Injuries are defined as pain caused by overuse of one area or hard contact to somewhere on the body.Singh explains there are two different categories of injuries: acute, which is like hidden trauma, and traumatic/overuse injuries, which are the result of a series of small injuries.Injuries can be treated in many different ways. However, the injury can be prevented in the first place by techniques such as stretching. According to Singh, many serious injuries have to do with either the nerves, joints, or muscles. Here is some information about some basic sports injuries. Various types of sports injuries can be a major obstacle in an athlete's career, but many can be prevented or treated with good technique and stretching.

      An athlete is stretched out in the sports medicine room. Stretching such as this helps prevent injury.

Friday, March 21, 2014

15 classmates took the survey, and 93% of people have had a sports related injury before. About 50% of the class is interested in sports. Not many people have seen sports injuries in the news lately. The class majority guessed most injuries occur in the sport football.81% of the class said sports can affect you psychologically.
Sports Medicine Survey

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Evaluate Nate's view of his injury vs that of his Mom. How do they differ?

         I think overall Nate is more accepting of his injury and accepts more responsibility,while Nate's mom is in denial and doesn't want to accept it. An example of this is when Reggie goes to see Nate in the hospital, Nate is not mad at Reggie and even tells him it's not his fault, while Nate's mom is still mad at him. After seeing his therapist for the first time, Reggie decides it's time to try and visit Nate Brown in the hospital again. He goes up, and makes it into the room without seeing Nate's mom. Reggie sees Nate and talks to him, and Nate is very friendly and happy to see him, and tells Reggie the injury is not his fault at all and there are no harsh feelings between them. Eventually, Nate's mom does walk in. She is still upset with Reggie, but Nate unsuccessfully tries to convince her to not scare Reggie away again. "'Stop it Mom!' Nate yelled. 'Reggie didn't have anything to do with this. It was my fault, not his. Why are you doing this?'". Nate and Reggie went to a football camp together a few years ago, and developed a friendship there. Nate knows Reggie is a friend and would never do something like that on purpose, while Nate's Mom doesn't know Reggie at all and has no idea what he's like. Also, I think Nate is more accepting of the injury and knows it's his fault, while Nate's Mom is looking to just blame anyone she can because she doesn't want
to believe this is happening to her, and she wants even less to believe there is no one to blame and take her anger out on.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Evaluate why Reggie is so concerned with the opinion of Mrs. Brown instead of the opinions of his coaches, friends, and loved ones. Why does Mrs. Brown's opinion matter so much to him?

          Reggie is concerned about Mrs. Brown's opinion of him because she saw the play a different way than everyone else and is not trying to help Reggie feel better. When Nate Brown is injured by spear tackling the book's protagonist, high school linebacker Reggie Scott, Reggie immediately feels guilty and wants to see Nate in the hospital. With Reggie being almost obsessive about going to the hospital, everyone from his parents to coaches to friends tells Reggie it's okay and the injury wasn't his fault. When he does go to the hospital though, he finds out Mrs. Brown has a different opinion. She screams at him, and tells him to leave the hospital and not come back. This greatly affects Reggie in a negative way. "Her words hit me like a speeding train. Everybody had been telling me the accident wasn't my fault. Now Nate's mom was blaming me" (55).  Up to this point, Reggie has been told that the injury had nothing to do with him and was not his fault. The mother of the boy who was hurt tells him differently though, which hurts Reggie. I think this affects Reggie because all the people who have given Reggie their opinion on the play have been trying to help Reggie, but Mrs. Brown saw the play differently, and she doesn't care about Reggie or his feelings about the matter. This is the only point of view Reggie has seen from someone who isn't close to him, which is why
I believe that Reggie's run in with Mrs. Brown affects him so much.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Evaluate Reggie's decision to visit Nate in the hospital. Do you think it was the right decision?

               Reggie did make the right decision by going to visit Nate in the hospital because it shows he cares and respects everyone, even his competitors. Reggie is a high school senior linebacker, who in the first game of the season against Milbury High School intercepts a pass, and is trying to run it back for a touchdown when he feels a painful thud on his back. He gets up to celebrate the interception, only to realize no one else is celebrating. Looking back behind him on the field, he sees Milbury tight end Nate Brown lying motionless on the ground. Brown is soon evacuated by an ambulance and the rest of the game is cancelled. In the next few days, Reggie has to deal with guilt, thinking the injury was his fault, so he wants to go see Nate in the hospital to see if he's okay. Nothing can get the incident off Reggie's mind, and he needs to go to the hospital to find out more information about Nate and whether he will be alright. "I had been thinking about the geese for a few seconds when thoughts of Nate Brown rushed back into my head" (33).  When Reggie wakes up that Saturday morning after the game, all he can think of is Nate, and other things can hold his attention for only a few seconds. Reggie is becoming borderline obsessive about the injury, and has basically a psychological need to go check on Nate and find out what is going on. Some people may say it wasn't the right decision because it caused Nate's family grief and Reggie didn't find out much about Nate because of it. However, I think it was the right decision because it gave Reggie an idea of how bad it was, and Reggie didn't do it with any intention of harming Nate's family or causing them grief.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Monday, February 3, 2014

Tuesday Write #11

               The topic of this article from last week is about a school hiring a private company to track the social media activity of the student body. The school decided to take this action after multiple teen suicides and reports of cyber bullying. According to the school's administration, there would be consequences if the students did something they considered wrong.

In this case, "Big Brother" is the company monitoring the students

               As a student, I feel this is completely absurd and unjustified.  I feel the school is wasting $40,000 dollars on something that will do nothing but make the students hate them. This tracking also seems to violate the student's freedom of speech. First Amendment Coalition Director Peter Scheer said "Disciplining students for posts made outside of school could infringe on the students free-speech rights". The school should not be able to tell the students what they can or can't say, especially outside of school. However, there has been a response from adults, as seen in the article   "Assemblyman Mike Gatto forwards bill to limit record of student posts".
The First Amendment is explained in this video
                If this happened at my own school, I would be very mad. I feel I should have the right to say whatever I want (especially when I am not at school). I would feel oppressed, and probably take action against the school. This is not fair in my opinion. I think if cyber bullying ever became an issue, it would be better for the school to have more assemblies about the topic, not intrude on the student's privacy to make sure cyber bullying is not happening.  There are websites that are not even part of San Ramon Valley High School that focus on preventing cyber bullying at the school, such as the  "uknowkids cyberbullying prevention website". Fortunately, at my school there does not seem to be much bullying (physical or cyber bullying), so hopefully we will never have to see a situation like this at San Ramon Valley High School.